Meditation is a scientifically proven, secular method for creating calm and maintaining brain health.  We offer a simple guide for getting started.

Meditation is taking some moments in stillness. It might be uncomfortable at first however, that is the point!  Meditation is a way to calm the busy mind. When thoughts come, notice them, but then come back to stillness and focus on your breath. That is the exercise. Just as lifting a barbell is exercising your arm, you are exercising your brain each time you come back from a thought.

Meditation can be used to engage the relaxation response, train the body to notice the moment, and to recognize how often we are lost in thoughts about the past or the future. Thoughts cause our stress and stress causes physical symptoms.

Anywhere! You may prefer a particular spot at home or in nature.  In certain situations you may use a mantra based style, such as “Peace Begins With Me”.  When you find yourself stuck in traffic or getting stressed at work, take a moment to recite this several times along with a finger mudra.  “Peace” on the forefinger, “begins” with then next finger, “with” on the next, and “me” on the pinky finger.

If you like rituals, you might meditate the same time every day. In the morning, it can help you set the tone for the day. At night, it can assist you in sleeping well. Mid-day makes a wonderful break. Don’t put rules on it. Just find the time and create a practice.

Everyone!  Today, even children are being taught how to meditate in school to enable them to handling life with more ease. When we know how to create a sense of calm, notice the present moment, and find our center, we are better able to handle whatever life throws our way.

You may meditate in silence or with mantras, with certain types of yoga such as Kundalini and Pranayama which use breath and certain movements, guided or visualizations, or theme based such as abundance or gratitude.  Youtube and apps are a great source of meditations.

Meditation is a practice and by simply beginning, you are a meditator!


Helene Verdile is a Life Coach at; and can be reached at  [email protected]; (518) 470-0048.

