It is becoming increasingly apparent to all of us that we need clarity, compassion, and contentment to live our best lives. We created our business name hoping people would say, “Yes, I want some of that!”  In the last three years, we have heard many confirm that these three words matter and daily, we guide clients to achieve these qualities.

There is an undercurrent in our culture of stress, overwhelm, worry, anxiety, hurt, and anger. This counter culture contains the following sentiments:  If I’m not worried, I’m not responsible.  If I’m not stressed, I’m lazy.  If I’m not angry at the opposition, I am not taking a stand.  If I don’t have a lot of stuff or money, I am not worthy.  It is not right to be compassionate to someone who is bad or wrong.  These sentiments are limiting beliefs and represent the ego (false self) rather than our being (true self).

Our being is love. Our being is whole. Our being has purpose. 
Our worth is unconditional.
Our business name is more than a place, it is a movement of wellness, wholeness, and empowerment.  The Center is located in Burnt Hills, but the true “center” is in you. Those who embrace and embody clarity, compassion, and contentment not only live more fulfilled lives, but also become mentors to others and make a difference in our world.Establish clarity. 
What is important to you? What are your values? Are you living these values or are you missing alignment?  Are you constantly measuring your worth with someone else’s standards? Are you seeing the world with others expectations or putting your expectations onto others? Are you so exhausted or disappointed that you are unclear on what you care about? Is your mind occupied with yesterday and tomorrow, but never today?Meet everyone, including yourself, with compassion. 
Merriam-Webster Dictionary defines compassion as a  “…sympathetic consciousness of others’ distress together with a desire to alleviate it.” Are you able to see from others’ perspective? Are you able to say to yourself “I’m doing the best I can at this moment with what I know and have”? We can’t have true compassion in others until we find it for ourselves.

Regain a sense of contentment. 
In our corner of the world where most people have food, shelter, safety, and clean water, how is it possible for us to be so discontented?  We are suffering from over-scheduling, over-complexity, and over-burdening ourselves with “shoulds”.  Are you unfavorably comparing yourself to others? Comparison is one of the greatest joy-stealers. In what ways has our ego created stories that we lack time, money, or energy? In what ways have we been searching for happiness externally rather than from within, feeling stuck and lacking joy?

Living with clarity, compassion and contentment means letting go of chaos and distress. Bringing these qualities to life daily, enables us to move forward in a way we most desire to create a life of purpose. Come find your center.


Helene Verdile and Kim Perone are Certified Life Coaches at The Center for Clarity, Compassion & Contentment ~ A Wellness Center located at 801 Route 50 (behind Edward Jones), serving clients one-on-one and in group coaching programs and can be reached at [email protected], (518) 470-0048; [email protected] (518) 301-3593. Coaching programs include: Power of YOU, Fearless, Calling all Empaths, Teen Power Hour, Joy Starts Here, Live by Design, May Cause Miracles, Innerspace, Inspired Life Club, Elevate, and Soul Sessions.