Picking up where I left off the other day G and H was “Good News! Humans are super adaptors”, which still rings true, but we need more G & H and the rest of the alphabet, so humor me! Here are more alphabetical tools for your resilience tool box:


Games to play with your family. I remember playing cards for hours as a kid. Seems like in my adulthood, I never allowed myself the time unless I was playing with the kids. Now is a good time to play lots of games.


Humor is so important. Do laugh and do joke. Dark humor is still humor. Laugh, laugh and laugh some more.


“What can I do to help?” It is so encouraging to see so many people caring for each other even if it is by just staying at home and doing what is right for the time being, calling and checking in on each other. What can you do? Ask yourself daily. Some days it might just be simply, “I can keep calm.”


Journaling is a great way to get any negative thinking out and onto the page then write about your desires. So often we have used busyness as an excuse to not journal. Wondering how? Just stream of consciousness writing, write whatever you are thinking without judgment. Let the words flow. Now is the perfect time!


Kindness is essential if we are going to survive the pressure and changes. Kindness is healing energy and combined with the L below, a LovingKindness Meditation (LKM) is one that can help us focus our energy on sharing this healing energy with ourselves and others. Here is a link to a guided LKM:   https://www.youtube.com/watch?time_continue=18&v=sz7cpV7ERsM&feature=emb_logo


Love is not diminished in times of challenge. Love is abundant and all around you!

Shift your attention to all of the above for the next week and I am sure you will create joyful energy in your life and the lives of those around you!

To see A-F, visit https://center4c.com/2020/03/19/abcs-of-challenging-times/

Kim Perone is a Success, Bereavement, and Resilience Coach and Mindfulness Trainer at Center4C (The Center for Clarity, Compassion & Contentment) offering 1:1 coaching, workshops, programs, retreats, workplace training and resources to support you on your life’s journey. Kim is the author of The Case For Clarity, Compassion, and Contentment: Finding Your Center available at www.center4c.com and Amazon. For more information about cultivating clarity, compassion, and contentment in your life, contact Kim at [email protected] or (518) 301-359 or visit www.Center4C.com.