Summer Fun: Cultivating Joy all Year Long
Q: How can I feel more joy? A: When I conduct my programs, participants often find they are starving their joy. In Coaching Happiness, one of the activities is to fill out a Happiness Inventory and they are generally quick to fill a page, but then on examination realize they may not make enough time [...]
Breaking Bad Habits
Q: How I do change or end a bad habit? A: Habits are an incredibly necessary part of life. They are the things that routines are made of and those routines can create huge success in our lives. Unless, of course, the habit is a bad one. Bad habits can create chaos in your life, [...]
Ask the Coach: Helene on Stressing Less
Q: Helene, How can I worry and stress less, and enjoy my life more? A: I was truly dismayed when I first learned that up to 70% of our thoughts are negative. The average person has 60,0000-70,000 thoughts a day and most studies show that 70- 90 % of these are neutral or negative. This [...]
Ask the Coach: Kim’s Message on Grief
Q: Kim, How will I ever survive this loss? A: Over the years I have spoken with so many bereaved loved ones as well as read and studied grief extensively. After losing a son and a sister, 5 years apart and by the time I was 40, grief has been a major part of my [...]
The Butterfly Effect: In Memory of Maria
We recently lost a very dear friend of ours. Maria Maynard was larger than life. A vibrant and energetic woman, a teacher with exceptional skill, and a loving mother, daughter, sister, wife and friend. In her presence you felt completely and utterly loved. It is still unfathomable to us, now a month passed, that her [...]
Ask the Coach: Helene, How can I get out of my head?
Q: Helene, I want to live in my heart and not so much in my head, but how can I do that without getting hurt? A: To live with an open heart is a choice. Choosing to live the majority of our life outside of our head, in our body and heart, is open-hearted living. This [...]
Ask the Coach: Kim, What can coaching do for me?
Q: What can coaching do for me? A: Coaching provides an opportunity to clarify your desires in life and set a path to achieve them. As coaches, we hold space for you to get to know you. We are unbiased listeners, questioners, and teachers. I teach what I wished I had learned when I [...]
Ask the Coach: Kim Perone on Resilience
Q: What does moving forward after a devastating setback mean? A: Becoming resilient and creating your inspired path. We all encounter challenges along our path of life. Resilience is finding a way forward after a setback. In any loss (job, relationship, loved one, diagnosis), we enter a new normal. We embark on a new way [...]