Ask the Coach: Helene Verdile on Forgiveness
Q: Why should I forgive someone for what they have done to me when I still feel angry with them? A: Forgiveness is a powerful gift that you give yourself. Period. It’s not about letting another person off the hook, or forgetting what they did to you. It’s about bringing about peace of mind so that [...]
Ask the Coach: Helene Verdile
Q: Why do I feel so overwhelmed when I am surrounded by a lot of people? A: You might be an Empath. I was recently talking to my friend Sue and she explained to that she was recently at a fun-filled, high energy event that she had been looking forward to for months. She [...]
Ask the Coach: Kim Perone
Q: I have no time! How can you help me? A: Let's talk about mindfulness. Our lives are so full of blessings and busyness. Our feet hit the ground and we are thinking, "I will never accomplish everything I need to do today!" This makes us feel even busier than we truly are. We rarely [...]
Happy New Year! Only 1 year away from 2020
As we ring in 2019, we realize that 2020 is only one year away. Wow, we thought for sure we would be driving around in hovercrafts and beaming up and down to our destinations by now! 2020 seemed so far off. Yet, here we are, it's a year away and we are ready [...]
Meet the Coach: Kim Perone
Q: What are your clients seeking from success coaching? A: Authentic success. It is hard to believe we are just a year away from 2020. Are you excited about 2019? As a Success, Life and Spiritual Coach, I have two important questions for you: Where do you want to be and how would you [...]
Give Yourself the Gift of Peace! A New Book for A New Year
Wishing you and your loved ones a JOYOUS season and HAPPIEST New Year! We are pleased to announce our new coaching eBook. The Case for Clarity, Compassion & Contentment: Finding Your Center is now available for purchase and download from our website. (To access, click title above or book image below) Note: At present it is a digital download. Printed [...]
A Mindful Approach to the Holidays
The holidays are a special time known for love, fun, frenzy, stress and busyness. This year take a mindful approach to the holidays, honoring your spirit, self, and sanity! Mindful eating: Beware of stress or recreational eating. The key is to savor food and pace yourself. The holiday presents an opportunity for gluttony, but we [...]
Making the Case for Clarity, Compassion, and Contentment
It is becoming increasingly apparent to all of us that we need clarity, compassion, and contentment to live our best lives. We created our business name hoping people would say, "Yes, I want some of that!" In the last three years, we have heard many confirm that these three words matter and daily, we guide clients to [...]