Photo by Donald Giannatti
We are entering a season which epitomizes compassion and care for other human beings and the wonder and magic of social connection. Friends and families will gather for celebrations, generous donations will be made to organizations that help others, and most connect in some way to the spiritual sense of oneness and good will for all. It is the season of giving.
How do we move compassion to a higher role in our lives all year long? Compassion at home, work, with ourselves and community. The Center4C is based on cultivating clarity, compassion and contentment and my holiday wish for you is that you get more of all of the above this season and year, so here are some thought provoking ways to increase compassion in your life. May we all be compassion ambassadors in 2020!
Cultivating Compassion at Home
Slow down and listen. Mindfully approach each other. Create calm to counter the world’s frenzy. Allow room to discuss issues without defense, antagonism or sarcasm. Remind family all will be well and that love is central. Remember how fortunate we are to have each other in our lives. Express appreciation at every opportunity.
Cultivating Compassion at Work
Maintain a whole life perspective. I have been blessed to have worked in many places that exemplified compassion at work, places that were full of caring coworkers, opportunities for growth, managers who mentor and coach, and organizational cultures that foster whole lives among their workforce. The workplace is a second family, that parallels our home lives in which we achieve, grow, love, and are cared for and do care for others. As employees, managers, and leaders, you can become even more mindful of your important role in fostering this special environment.
Cultivating Compassion for Self
Be better to yourself this season and beyond with greater self-compassion. Abandon self abuse and criticism in favor of self nurturing. Operate from worthiness. Releasing judgment of others sets you free. Those who hold themselves to the highest standard can be inadvertently hard on others. This separates us. Through the practice of self compassion, you become more compassionate with others.
Cultivating Compassion in Community
Create your tribe(s). To be authentically yourself is one of the greatest gifts you can give the world. Find the people who “get you” and whose company re-energizes you. Time with friends in conversations and their support can provide essential energy. Love others. In fact, love “the other”. People of the world, in our larger community, need us. May we find more creativity and capacity to help others in the coming year and beyond.
A powerful mantra for 2020 ~
“There is enough. It is enough. I am enough. You are enough.”
By giving yourself the gift of compassion, you give it to the world.
It is visionary!
For more information about cultivating clarity, compassion, and contentment in your life, contact Kim at [email protected] or (518) 301-3593. Kim Perone is a Success, Bereavement, and Resilience Coach and Mindfulness Trainer offering 1:1 coaching, workshops, programs, retreats, workplace training and resources to support you on your life’s journey. Kim is the author of The Case For Clarity, Compassion, and Contentment: Finding Your Center available at www.center4c.com and Amazon.