Image by DanaTentis from Pixabay
It is simple as 1, 2, 3.
To listen to Find Your Center podcast Episode 66: Exhaustion is Exhausting
“When you rest, you catch your breath and it holds you up, like water wings…”
— Anne Lamott
Recently, I scrapped my planned podcast episode for a real conversation on how I was feeling.
The result: a 30-minute episode on the examination of our current state of human-ness.
Alas, we are truly human beings not human doings.
Are you exhausted?
Are you struggling to accomplish tasks?
Are you feeling overwhelmed, overworked, or overstimulated?
You are not alone. The first and most empowering step, is to release unrealistic expectations and listen to your body.
Is it telling you to rest?
Are you treating it like a machine?
Are you holding the world up for too long and your arms are tired?
In other words, Do you know when it is best to rest?… Or do you push, push, push and rest less only to make the situation worse? Most of us do the latter.
Take some time to reflect on when it is best to rest. Acknowledge your humanness and determine when it is best for you to recharge. You would never let your phone go uncharged and expect it to work. Don’t do that to yourself.
“Ok, how?” You ask. Are you thinking there is no time?
“Hello Ego, There IS time!”
To master a mindset to enable you to rest, the second step is to understand that the ego is telling you a story that there is no time. It is telling you that horrible things will happen if you stop, but at a certain point, the exhaustion is so real that the truth is you are doing more damage than good.
Such as…emailing the wrong person, making a bad impression, blowing up in rage at someone who just happens to push your buttons at the wrong time.
The myth that you cannot rest may even become a full-time mindset. We believe our thoughts. So those thoughts are wasting our time. The third step, try to set your ego straight that far worse happens if you get too tired and do not recharge. Tell your ego that you will get more accomplished when you are fresh. See your ego and gently, and kindly, tell it to step aside. Compassionately, tell your ego the thing it can’t bear to hear….That the world will not fall apart if you rest.
Easy as 1, 2, 3. Well, maybe simple, but not easy. Give it a try.
Kim Perone, MA, CLC is a Wellbeing Coach/Consultant and Mindfulness Facilitator and founder of The Center for Clarity, Compassion & Contentment (CENTER4C). Kim works with organizations and individuals to offer essential skills for today. A personal strategist, philosopher, and champion for her clients, specializing in burnout recovery, stress reduction, mindfulness, work life balance, bereavement, resilience, and authentic success, Kim is a Certified Life Coach, with an Master’s degree in Organizational Communication, Certified Workplace Mindfulness Facilitator (CWMF), a Certified Grief Educator, Culture Talk Certified Partner and author of Finding Your Center: The Case for Clarity, Compassion & Contentment (available on Amazon) and podcaster for Find Your Center with Life Coach Kim Perone and co-host of the Slightly Unmeditated podcast available wherever you get your podcasts. It is Kim’s belief that when clarity, compassion, and contentment are present an inspired life is possible. For more information, feel free to contact Kim at [email protected], (518) 301-3593, www.Center4c.com.