When I let go of what I am, I become what I might be.
When I let go of what I have, I receive what I need.
~Laotzu, Tao Te Ching
Fall is such a beautiful time to think about letting go as the leaves demonstrate to us that it is possible to release and begin again. Sitting quietly in this peaceful place, connecting with my inner guidance and remembering that I am never truly alone, makes me think of all the busyness of life and how pressured we are to make successful, productive lives. What does that even mean? I never intended to be here, doing what I am doing. You could say I fell into purpose when things didn’t go my way in life. For those of you who know my story, you know loss is a major theme. There are two ways to look at things not going your way: in anger or in awe.
I experience stress, frustration and overwhelm like everyone else (yes, I am willing to admit it!) and yet, completely and utterly awestruck by the enormity of life. I always get a laugh when I say, “No one wants a stressed out life coach!” It’s true. I have to walk the walk. Call it my myopia v. utopia or my doing v. being, but I am pushed into discomfort that brings me to new levels of clarity, compassion and contentment again and again and yet again. I am so grateful for the time I have spent in this field of coaching, learning everything I can about psychology and spirituality, so that I may apply it to my own life. Sharing it with others is a bonus. In fact, it’s easy for me to think I am sharing it with others for others, but essentially I am sharing it with others for me. I must say, the view from here is breathtaking! It amazes me how truly we are connected. Our human experience meets our spiritual experience visibly when we take time to reflect and contemplate life. As the French Jesuit and philospher Teilhard de Chardin told us, “We are not human beings having a spiritual experience; but rather spiritual beings having a human experience.” To me, this is a particularly comforting concept that I’m blessed to see every day in my line of work.
Have you ever experienced falling into purpose? Have you experienced upset only to find your new path looks a lot like purposeful redirection?
Having recently added resilience and bereavement coaching to my success coaching services, I realize this human experience brings hardship. The depth of our pain reveals our immense capacity to love. Our life path is full of surprises, both good and bad, interesting and challenging, loving and painful. We are ever expanding in the face of contraction, contradiction and contrast. It is here that we grow and find the true hidden treasure.
It is my strong belief that each life has a rich and beautiful landscape to be treasured and explored. This time of year it is easy to allow nature to inspire us, but I challenge you to allow your own life’s path, your own true nature and experience, to inspire you. Who you are is far deeper than anything you can imagine. This requires you to let go a bit more than you may be comfortable with, to spend time in quiet contemplation, and let your soul speak.
For more information about cultivating clarity, compassion, and contentment in your life, contact Kim at [email protected] or (518) 301-3593. Kim Perone is a Success, Bereavement, and Resilience Coach and Mindfulness Trainer offering 1:1 coaching, workshops, programs, retreats, workplace training and resources to support you on your life’s journey. Kim is the author of The Case For Clarity, Compassion, and Contentment: Finding Your Center available at www.center4c.com and Amazon.