The adaptation required of you has been on overdrive this year. The shake up is the wake up, as I like to say, taking a positive view, letting go of what we cannot control and increasing our awareness. The good: learning to appreciate what we have, slowing down, practicing patience, taking good care of self and family, innovation or creativity, and the list goes on. To appreciate the good is not to gloss over the stress this shake up has caused. The bad: I imagine this stress has been wearing on you, pressing you, threatening to crush you at times.

The topic this month is “What do you need?”  To cultivate our inner life coach, we can ask ourselves what we need in this moment and see if we can meet this need or make a plan to meet this need.

Right now ask yourself, “What do I need?”  What is the answer?

a break?
a change?
a conversation?
a new skill?
a helpful friend or expert?  
a new job?
a good book?* (This one surprisingly works wonders to shake me out of a funk.)
a new friend or group that shares your circumstance or interests?

a reduction in expenses?
a new revenue stream?
a new place to live?
a break from a negative mindset?
a break from the tension in the house?
a pandemic friendly vacation?
a little time alone?
a rest?

What you need can be little and/or big. Little: a break, a treat or a nap. Big: a new life plan complete with new job, new home, new outlook. It can be a simple answer or a list. The most important part is to ask yourself the question and take care of yourself the best way you can.

For more information about cultivating clarity, compassion, and contentment in your life, contact Kim at [email protected] or (518) 301-3593. Kim Perone is a Success, Bereavement, and Resilience Coach and Mindfulness Trainer offering 1:1 coaching, workshops, programs, retreats, workplace training and resources to support you on your life’s journey. Kim is the author of The Case For Clarity, Compassion, and Contentment: Finding Your Center available at and Amazon