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As you begin pandemic year two, it is time to debrief the last 12 months and open to the possibilities this year will bring. 2021 will be the year of clarity and self-care to ensure sustainability. It is time to work as smart as you do hard. After so much uncertainty, pivoting, and patience, begin this second year with a debrief and renewal exercise.
Debrief: Breathe, Feel, Write, Reflect and Release
The last 12 months were filled with stress on top of our usual stress. Regular work, additional rescheduling, and an abundance of uncertainty made up most of 2020. There is a time to “plow through” as we often say in times of crisis, and you did it. Now it is a time to tend the field by clearing. Start by taking a few cleansing breaths.
Inhale and exhale 3 times.
When we are stressed our breathing becomes more shallow. You may now have a chance to breathe deeper than you have in nearly a year. Congratulate yourself on getting through difficult months.
Now, recognize the emotions you have pushed down for months.
It is okay to feel exhausted if you feel exhausted… Or angry….or sad…or disappointed…or afraid. Recognize your emotions. Notice where they may still linger.
Where do those feelings reside in your body?
Is fear in the pit of your stomach?
Does exhaustion show in your face or a slumping posture?
Does anger appear in a clenched jaw or pounding heart?
Inhale fresh air sending it to those parts of you holding onto last year’s stress. Exhale stress.
Next, spend at least a few moments writing about the experience of last year.
What happened?
What was accomplished?
What is new and what remains?
How do you want to feel in 2021?
After some time breathing, feeling, writing and reflecting, you can release the crisis stage of the pandemic and prepare for the ongoing uncertainty with renewed energy. With this coaching exercise, you can transform the energy for next several months into hope and ability for new growth. You are ready to plant. A field of potential exists in front of you. Thank you for taking care of you.
Life, Self, and the Renewal of Spirit
Now that you have debriefed the last 12 months, let’s focus on the next several. By doing the important work above, you are ready to renew. As we know, some challenges remain. The calendar changed but some things are the same. You have expended an enormous amount of energy adapting, addressing, and administering different ways of moving about the world and navigating time, time, space, and emotions at home.
It is certainly a good time for a pause to reflect on a few big picture questions.
Where are you in your life?
Who are you in your life?
How are you living your life?
Answer these questions and it will reveal the big picture, the inner journey, and the energy you share with others.
What do you need to do to ensure you have the energy to serve in all the ways required of you?
How do you rest and recharge?
Now that you answered these questions, truly hear your answers. Make an intentional plan for activities that recharge you. Honor your needs. Demonstrate your authentic self on a regular basis.
If you struggle answering these questions, you may need some time and resources to develop more clarity. You are probably not caring enough for yourself, maybe not getting enough sleep, or deprived of hope for a less stressful time. Perhaps you are just plain overloaded. Perhaps there are things you need to let go. You could also be feeling empathic distress for others in your life.
Are you authentically yourself?
What is weighing down your spirit?
What will renew your spirit (or keep it sustained)?
When you take the time to listen to your own needs, you can begin the process of rest and recharging. Emotionally strong individuals take a step back and reflect when overloaded. Give yourself the clarity that comes from rest.
Your Thoughts are Causing You Extra Stress
Our thoughts cause a great deal of our stress. This year, develop an awareness for your thoughts. For example, “There is not enough time to do everything I need to do today.” This is a thought we may have when we stand up from bed in the morning. While you might be right, the thought is defeating right out of the gate! Start by supporting yourself. “I will be able to get done what is most important today.” Give yourself assurances rather than fears. Your negative thoughts drain your energy. Empower yourself with what you can do above what you fear you cannot do.
Finding Balance
Everything is competing for your attention. Everyone in your life is important. Your workplace is counting on you for production, your family for love and care. To get clear on your priorities, answer the following questions.
What are the areas of your life?
What competes for your time?
What do you need to do to feel successful at work?
What do you need to do to feel successful at home?
What can you eliminate to create new capacity and allow for rest?
Guilt, unhealthy stress levels, and overwork result in an exhaustion that can lead to burnout. As you get clear on your priorities you can reduce the noise, drop the guilt, live and work with intention, and rest when needed. You serve your career better by working as effectively as possible, not working in a burnt-out, disengaged state. Your family is better served when you are not building resentments due to serving everyone else but yourself.
It takes courage to answer these questions. Your answers give you a framework to guide you the rest of the year. Unpack the baggage of 2020 and gain clarity to navigate the path ahead. The view is beautiful. Life is a landscape. While we are all trying to get by these unusual times, we also want to enjoy the journey. These moments are your life and you want to feel good about your life.
For more information on how to live a life of intention, reduce stress, improve productivity, avoid burnout, and find balance and joy, feel free to contact me to continue the conversation.
Kim Perone, M.A., C.L.C. is a Success, Bereavement & Resilience Coach and Mindfulness Trainer at the Center for Clarity, Compassion & Contentment (CENTER4C). Kim works with business professionals as a coach and also conducts workshops and webinars now offered virtually. Kim is a personal strategist, philosopher, and champion for her clients, specializing in stress reduction, mindfulness, work-life balance, bereavement, resilience, and authentic success, also providing organizations Coach on Call an employer paid coaching program for employee assistance. She is a Certified Life Coach, with an MA in Organizational Communication and author of Finding Your Center: The Case for Clarity, Compassion & Contentment (available on Amazon). It is Kim’s belief that when clarity, compassion, and contentment are present an inspired life is possible. For more information, feel free to contact Kim at [email protected], (518) 301-3593, www.Center4c.com.