Client Testimonials & Success Stories

“After attending one of Kim’s webinars on resiliency during the pandemic, I was excited to engage her for wellness webinars for community members and employer group clients.  Kim shares her deep knowledge around a variety of wellness dimensions in an empathetic and engaging manner, citing both research and helpful anecdotes.  Her prior communications background shines through, and her style resonates with diverse audiences.  I highly recommend Kim as a credible and authentic leader in this space.”  ~ Jennifer Regan
“I have been meeting with Kim for about 2 years. I started with her as my grief coach as I was struggling, and still am, with the sudden and unexpected loss of my son. I continue to meet with her as a grief coach but now also as a life coach. I do not know where I would be without her. Kim is very intuitive and has offered me direction, alternate perspectives, guidance and a listening ear. She truly cares and wants to help you live your best life. I am a work in progress, but with Kim’s support I am moving forward. With Kims guidance, I know there is a better life ahead.”   ~Nancy M.
“I’ve been very fortunate to work with Kim Perone on so many different things. She has been a guest speaker and doing workshops on my leadership groups, my sales platform, and so much more. And I have had no problem referring her for her Coach on Call service, so please reach out, to Kim!” ~ Denise Horan, IMS Consulting

“I reached out to Kim for individual coaching during a time of transition in my life that included a lot of loss. Kim was welcoming, accommodating, listened, and was compassionate. Her knowledge, experience, and support helped me find clarity, compassion, and contentment within myself. I am forever grateful for Kim, I wouldn’t hesitate to reach out to her again and would recommend her to anyone!”  ~ Melanie L.

What audiences are saying about Kim’s wellbeing speaking engagements:

“Kim is extremely knowledgable and well spoken. Her content was meaningful and presented in an informative manner.”

“Excellent way to open a conference!”

“Awesome, awesome presentation. Informative, engaging and applicable to both home and work life.” 

“This was great, loved the private journaling. Engaging. Appreciated the writing activities, forces you to be mindful.” 

“A much needed refocus on myself and not others. If I’m not treating/focusing on my own wellbeing, how can I help others? Thanks for this great session!” 


I brought Kim into my former business in 2020 and she has been a part of the wellness program there for years.  A sincere thank-you to Kim Perone, M.A., C.L.C for continuing this important set of services! The group and individual web sessions are fantastic.

Kelly Klopfer, Marketing & HR executive


I started my first class, “The Power of You”- 6 week program, with Kim Perone in March of 2017 and ever since then I haven’t stopped attending so many other wonderful and empowering classes, a woman’s retreat, Kim’s book “Finding Your Center” club (sooo very AMAZING-highly recommend reading this) and have now just completed an incredible 6 week personal coaching session that has given me such a better direction to gain more clarity of my future path.

Kim’s professionalism, confidentiality and heartfelt passion to help people shows in all that she does.  Each and every time I walked into one of her classes or coaching sessions, a big HUG and a SMILE was there no matter what kind of day it was.  Leaving empowered and energized is so very much “WHY” I soooo looked forward to working and learning from Kim.

For ALL – to work with Kim Perone has been such an incredible and empowering experience.  I can’t speak highly enough of her work, passion and enthusiasm in all that she does to help anyone that walks through her door.  It has been such an honor to have her as a coach and I am so thankful I signed up for that very first class back in March 2017.

With Heartfealt Thanks!!!!

Kristin K.


On behalf of Hudson Headwaters Health Network, I wanted to extend our sincere appreciation for the impact you are making on our employees lives both at work and at home.  As a Healthcare provider focused on patient care, health and well-being we know firsthand how important it is to take care of our employees and give them the tools to be successful.  The comments I heard include, life altering, it changed my life, I now have the tools and techniques to decompress myself, everyone should take these programs, I now feel so much more present with my patients and family.  I highly recommend the Center for Clarity, Compassion & Contentment and think every employer should consider these powerful, life impacting programs that improve the lives of their most valuable assets, their employees. ~ Sue Corney, Vice President Human Resources, HHHN


Kim is the best!  I have enjoyed being a client and a participant in Kim’s programs and the difference in my life has been amazing. (I even brought my husband to a program!) She is a compassionate listener and artful teaching. I highly recommend life and success coaching. ~ Chris S.


I have been meaning to drop you a line to tell you I finally did it! I recently sold the salon to a younger stylist and I’m loving it!  She bought the business and the name, I own the building and she rents the space back from me.  Ultimately, none of this would have ever happened if I didn’t have your coaching. My time with you was way more effective than anything else I’ve ever done. Thank You for being your fabulous self, for taking the time to care and for helping me see myself and my career in new and amazing ways. I’m loving my new life! ~ Penny W.


Thanks again, the difference you made in the lives of this team has been incredible. ~ Brittney Sexton at HHHN 


I just wanted to say thank you again on behalf of all of us here at PBP! The discussions and overall lessons that we learn every time we come there are the BEST! Even when people in the room are silent, the point of what we are discussing comes across loud and clear! I love the programs you designed for us! P E R F E C T!!!!! Thanks again! You are so talented in this field that you have chosen! What a blessing to have in our lives! Thank you again!  ~Cristina and the gang at Pupil Benefits, Inc., Scotia, NY 


Working with a Life Coach was not on my radar. All I knew was that I was not getting fulfillment from my career or personal life because there was no balance between the two!  A friend recommended working with Kim Perone to sort through what was an overwhelming proposition: how do I make life changes when I don’t have a clear picture of what I really want?  Kim helped break this overwhelming challenge into smaller, manageable components that eventually led to the bigger picture I couldn’t see before. She helped me discover my core values and priorities that guided me through a job change. I continue to use these guideposts to set boundaries for my employer and my family so I can enjoy a more balanced life. I highly recommend Kim–she is inspirational, yet practical and provides tools that will serve you for the long-term. – Kathy, F.


“I had all the components of a life many would envy: a beautiful home, professional success and wonderful family and friends. Although all the trappings were there but I had lost my joy. Gone was my connection to gratitude and peace. In those empty places, stress, self-doubt and unhappiness filled in. In January, 2018, I got an e-mail from The Center for Clarity, Compassion and Contentment. In part, it stated, “Together, we work in 12 session packages with tools, techniques, concepts, and resources to enhance their abilities and to reduce stress, noise, doubt, judgment, discontent, and frustration. Together, we pave the way for their life of meaning, purpose and joy.” It’s as if it had been written just for me. As the Universe always does, it supplied me with exactly what I needed. Thankfully, I was at a point where I actually listened. My sessions with Kim were the best investment I could have made. The interactive conversation and tools provided me the precious gift of finding happiness again. One of the best parts was that it was at my own pace. I felt no pressure and didn’t have to keep to a strict schedule of appointments. I could take this journey the way I needed to take it. I can’t recommend doing this for yourself enough! We only have one life and it goes by far too quickly. Take the leap!” ~ Leesa P.


Workplace Testimonial from participants in 8 Week Wellness Program –

#1)From this program I have learned to accept that self care is necessary. It doesn’t mean  you are lazy or selfish to take time for yourself. Time for yourself is different for each person. You don’t need to do anything elaborate or for a particular period of time.  I appreciate the sincere honesty from Kim and Helene and the passion with which each segment was given. I am grateful to have had the opportunity to participate in this program.  #2) This program could not have come at a better time! I am going through a big life change that has been hard for me. I learned so many coping skills from you two that I continue to use. So many of your words stay in my mind and come forward when I am struggling. I can’t thank you enough!  You are two amazing souls and have inspired me. #3) Thank you for extending your wisdom and positivity to all of us. It was a beautiful way to self reflect and grow each week. I truly looked forward to each session. Of the many, many great things taken from the sessions, I certainly will incorporate remembering I am in control of how situations/people make me feel (peace begins with me!) One of my favorite activities was the placing of words for others in envelopes, seeing / hearing how others see me created a new self awareness and self love. I’m truly grateful for the amazing work you both do! #4)I think my favorite class was Ancient Wisdom and the one we danced #5)Thank you for all of the wisdom and tools you have helped us identify.  Since our Thursday sessions, I have been able to leave work at work (not totally) and I am present at home. I have made a conscious effort to not take on other people’s stuff. I am sleeping better and I am able to accomplish more at work and home. #6) Fortunately this wellness program came at a very rough time for me. My husband has left me and I will say that because of things I learned from you I have been able to get through without missing time at work. I was able to keep myself from a very dark place and remain positive. Through mindfulness I have been able to breathe my way through period of increased anxiety. Just so many benefits for me. I can not thank you enough! I am strong, I will survive this and I will continue to move forward. I am me and that’s ok, I am wonderful, I am a dreamer who will always continue to dream Thank you! #7) Love the focus on “Human being” v. “human doing” #8) Dear Helene and Kim, First and foremost THANK YOU both! I’m very grateful I had the opportunity to be involved in this program. I wish we could do this every week forever! I really enjoyed you both and each session we did. I learned a lot but mainly a lot I already kind of knew was reinforced and re explained. Everything we discussed has helped me in the last 8 weeks, and I know it will assist me moving forward. I tend to need reminders and guidance, so this program has been great to reinforce the things I want to work on more. I can’t think of any suggestions or improvements, so keep up the great work! Maybe an an online program and /or FB group to share useful info and pictures/quotes so others can stay involved even if they can’t get involved with life coaching? Thank you <3 ~A Primary Care Health Facility in Glens Falls, NY


Workplace Training Testimonial “Asking Kim to coach sessions in our office was something we should have done a long time ago! So many positive changes have happened with us – attitude,  morale, goals, authenticity, teamwork and enthusiasm all improved. We all look forward to coming to work each day now and feel inspired and refreshed.  Kim gave us so many great ideas on how to get the work done while having fun and appreciating each other. Well worth every penny spent! We plan to have them back quarterly with our staff, we miss them so much now that the sessions are over!”  ~ Elaine Pennie, Marketing and HR Director, Pupil Benefits


“I went to see Kim for job coaching, but what I got was so much more.  She helped me organize all the thoughts rolling around in my head, and showed me that all the bad job experiences in my past didn’t have to pave the way of my future.  Kim shines bright, and I never felt more positive and confident in my path than when I would walk out after a session.  If you are unhappy with your current position, or unsure about your future, I highly recommend Kim and the Center4C.  You won’t regret it.” — Philip N.


“I wanted to share with you how much you, the book club and Center4C have meant to me.  I’ve been reading psychology/spiritual books for the last 20 years of my life but reading in a group has changed my whole perspective.  Being able to talk through ideas and concepts has been beyond wonderful.  Listening to others share their stories, insights and questions has been eye opening in so many ways.  Realizing that I am not alone in feeling the way I do.  Knowing that we are all different and yet truly all the same at heart.  I feel like I’ve finally found a place where I belong.”

~ Susan H.


“Kim’s life coaching has changed my life in so many positive ways. I have learned that taking the time to acknowledge personal accountability helps me take control of my destiny. Too often, people get stuck in a state of over-thinking. You have to revisit your self-belief and go to your core to find the probable reasons for the negativity in you, and then demolish it. They taught me that mindfulness will break negative patterns. I learned to look for solutions, instead of being stuck; being more thoughtful, instead of allowing anger to burn me out. I look at things from a different perspective now and embrace change. Looking at new opportunities has made me feel more in control of my life and for that, I thank her from the bottom of my heart.” – Brigitte C.

“I have had the opportunity to work with Kim and her team for the last several months. In the short time we have spent together (12 sessions) I have gained a ton of respect for their business and their beliefs on how to become who you want to be and how to have the proper work life balance that everyone deserves. We have spent several sessions on how to make your marriage and family life even better and I can’t say thank you enough on how much clarity this has given me about my priorities in life. The book ideas and program ideas that I have been exposed to are so impactful. These sessions and one on one meetings should be a routine part of everyone’s life on a regular basis to live life to the fullest!” – Chad W.

“The Center 4 clarity, compassion and contentment has given me a safe, trusting and loving place to go where I feel reconnected to my mind, body and spirit! Helene has been instrumental in guiding me through my recovery step program and has opened doors for me with resentments, anxiety, fear, relationships and my  spirituality. Kim has showed me how to see things differently, appreciate and be grateful for everything around me. The book clubs, life coaching, and programs have truly inspired me, guided me in recovery and changed my life!” – Elaine M

“I felt broken and irreparable until I discovered Center4C. You knew how to send me down a path of mending and gave me the courage to do it. I am grateful for all you have done for me. You are the ones who enabled me to close the dark door behind me and help me open the door of light. I wish I had discovered all of this decades ago!” – Chris M


“THANK YOU Kim for helping me gain my life back!!! As a busy business owner and active volunteer I had forgotten how to take time for myself and always felt stressed, overworked and overwhelmed. In just a few private life coaching sessions, Kim taught me that a good work / life balance IS possible. Kim is caring, compassionate and a great listener. Every time I leave our session I feel more empowered, less stressed and grateful that she is there to support me in my life’s journey. Thank you again!” – Jennifer M


THANK YOU !!!! I  can’t say enough on how your 6 week Power of You classes have help me to have a better look on what is going on in my life.  There truly is a reason in life for everything and a direction I am to go in, not yet known, but God will take me there.  Although there is so much going on in my life, I am ultimately forcing myself to stay positive, true to myself and real to my beliefs. I have raved about your class and have photo copied my notes for friends.  I also want to let you know Carole’s class (Sit, Sip and Soul cards) was so absolutely AMAZING!!!  I was absolutely blown away and amazed at what pictures can say to me.  -Kristen K.


I recently finished a 4-week workshop with Kim called “Live By Design (not default). I would highly recommend this program to anyone! Kim did an outstanding job guiding us through our action plan for life. She provided us countless motivational quotes, tips for meditation, tips on how to overcome blocks and fears, advice on personal growth and so much more. I really enjoyed the intimate group atmosphere and learned a lot from my peers. If you’re considering taking this class – do it!! You will walk away with a refreshed outlook on life and the feeling that you can take on the world! Kim is warm and welcoming, and very passionate about what she does. Thank you so much for such an incredible learning experience! – Amberly R.