Joy Starts Here: Meet Life Coach Helene Verdile
I believe joy is accessible to everyone. I believe that gratitude is the key to a life of abundance and joy and a way to heal fear, worry, and judgment. I work with clients to open up to a new way of living and being with them and for them in their lives. After years [...]
REDUCE Your Stress and RECLAIM Your Life
Stress is everywhere. We see it in virtually everyone we come in contact with and we certainly feel it ourselves. It resides outside our bodies in the form of noise, pollution, temperature, physical condition, and family and work pressure. It resides within our bodies as thoughts, emotions, and even in the form of high blood [...]
Live by Design, Not Default (in 10 easy steps!)
So many of us live most of our life by default. We enter jobs by default, find ourselves overloaded with too many tasks by default, and end up dealing with stress by default. While we may have started with a plan for our life, we can be quickly swept away if we are not intentional [...]
5 Ways to Become More Mindful
Mindfulness is accepting what is happening in the present moment without judgment. An example of a mindful moment is "I hear children playing down the street." It is neither good nor bad, it just is as it is and your ears are processing sounds around you in the present moment. A non-mindful moment would be, [...]
Imperfection at its Best
Recently, my husband Dave and I planned a return to our honeymoon destination for our 24th wedding anniversary. Our anniversary is January 16th and leaving the northeast for this year's symbolic vacation at a Jamaican all-inclusive resort was highly anticipated. The travel was long and when we arrived the weather was odd - extremely windy [...]
Self-Care is NOT Self-ish
There comes a time in life when self-care is impossible to ignore. When self-care becomes a priority on the heels of a health issue, tragedy, or crisis, the individual usually champions the change and revels in their new sense of wellbeing. Should it take a crisis to recognize its importance? There are many reasons why [...]
Dealing with Political Distress
Disagreement, arguments, and fighting generally cause distress. Our political environment has been chock full of these elements and is causing many people distress these days. Whether your candidate won or lost or you were ambivalent or completely fed up, virtually no one seems content. Here are a few tips on how to protect yourself from [...]
Beat the Winter Blues
The end of January, beginning of February can be a difficult time of year. As beautiful as winter can be, short days, lack of sufficient sunlight, and cold temperatures can greatly affect our mood and outlook. Maintaining our energy and positive spirit this time of year can be challenging. How do we make the best [...]