Good Grief: Navigating Loss with Compassion

What could possibly be good about grief?  An inevitable truth in life is that we will lose someone we love and it will cause us tremendous pain. The death of a loved one sends us into an abyss, adrift and in shock, recovering to a world in which we do not want to live. Grief [...]

2017-11-23T09:32:21-05:00November 16th, 2017|

The Evolution of Giving Thanks….. Expressing Gratitude

Thanksgiving,  a holiday focused on gratitude, allows us to reflect on our country's humble beginnings and give thanks for brave voyagers who settled a new country.  We give thanks for a magnificent meal and how meaningful that first meal was for those settlers.  But it has become more.  The act of gratitude has evolved into [...]

2017-11-09T16:51:37-05:00November 9th