Self-Care is Essential for Sustainability

Make a plan today to take care of yourself. It is essential to you for your continued ability, capacity, energy, and functionality. Do...not...delay! Self-Care Planning is… Tangible, incremental, accessible, healthy care for yourself, rather than fleeting, indulgent, costly or unhealthy. By keeping a self-care plan handy, you can better fulfill your self-care needs.  People who [...]

2021-01-30T11:52:39-05:00January 30th, 2021|

Welcome 2021! What just happened?

Image by Arek Socha from Pixabay   May 2021 bring you renewed energy to grow in clarity, compassion and strengthen your ability to find contentment in what is. This is your center. The human experience is messy. Give yourself permission to ground in the present moment and know the most important person in your life - [...]

2021-01-15T11:25:14-05:00December 31st, 2020|

Ask the Coach: Helene Verdile

Q: Why do I feel so overwhelmed when I am surrounded by a lot of people?   A: You might be an Empath. I was recently talking to my friend Sue and she explained to that she was recently at a fun-filled, high energy event that she had been looking forward to for months.  She [...]

2019-09-24T16:01:23-04:00January 28th, 2019|

Ask the Coach: Kim Perone

Q:  I have no time! How can you help me?  A:  Let's talk about mindfulness. Our lives are so full of blessings and busyness. Our feet hit the ground and we are thinking, "I will never accomplish everything I need to do today!" This makes us feel even busier than we truly are. We rarely [...]

2019-01-28T17:05:39-05:00January 28th, 2019|

Making the Case for Clarity, Compassion, and Contentment

It is becoming increasingly apparent to all of us that we need clarity, compassion, and contentment to live our best lives. We created our business name hoping people would say, "Yes, I want some of that!"  In the last three years, we have heard many confirm that these three words matter and daily, we guide clients to [...]

2018-11-10T12:54:29-05:00November 10th, 2018|

Spring Into Action

Are you ready for change?  Start by opening up to new routines in small every day actions that lead to long term success.  Avoid overwhelming yourself with gigantic to do lists, but rather use S.M.A.R.T. goals  - specific, measurable, achievable, realistic and timed  - to achieve progress in life.  Champion each step rather than defaulting to "all [...]

2018-04-12T09:50:12-04:00April 12th, 2018|


How can you positively change your life without changing a single thing outside of you? You simply empower yourself with a growth mindset. First, accept what is.  As the author of The Power of Now Eckhart Tolle often says, "We suffer when we do not accept the is-ness of things."  We truly do! If we are [...]

2018-04-16T08:50:13-04:00April 12th, 2018|

Are you lucky or manifesting? 

Lucky or unlucky, you are always manifesting. Have you ever noticed that the car goes where your eyes go when you are driving? That is why it is important to look where you are going. Something similar happens with our thoughts. Manifesting is the process of focusing on what you want to occur in your [...]

2018-03-17T07:04:39-04:00March 17th, 2018|

Building Sanctuary

There is a sense of knowing deep within your heart that you have everything you need, that you are fully supported, and that peace comes from within. Your sanctuary is finding this place. It is located in your loving heart and soul. To build sanctuary, perhaps we should start with an understanding the opposite of [...]

2017-12-29T11:26:45-05:00December 29th, 2017|

Engaging the Spiritual Concept of Surrender

To find more serenity, freedom, connection and support in life, I suggest you engage the spiritual concept of surrender. In today's society, surrender has so many  negative connotations. From giving up in general to conceding in war, the implication is that surrender is a losing proposition. However, the spiritual concept of surrender allows you to [...]

2017-12-28T16:49:49-05:00December 26th, 2017|
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